Messaggio ai profughi siriani di piazza Syntagma

di domenica, Dicembre 14, 2014 0 , Permalink

Il 13 dicembre i profughi siriani di piazza Syntagma, ad Atene, hanno indetto una manifestazione chiedendo solidarietà a greci ed europei ed avanzando precise richieste.* Questo il messaggio di Barbara Spinelli all’Assemblea.

Da Barbara Spinelli all’Assemblea generale dei rifugiati siriani di piazza Syntagma

Cari amici di piazza Syntagma, in quanto membro del Parlamento europeo, intendo esprimere la più profonda e sincera solidarietà a tutti voi – rifugiati di guerra siriani, uomini, donne e bambini, crudelmente trattati da stranieri nella nostra crudele Unione europea –

in vista della grande manifestazione a cui oggi state dando vita, in piazza Syntagma, ad Atene.

Sappiamo che state occupando la piazza dal 19 novembre. Sappiamo che il prezzo che avete pagato per la vostra generosa protesta è stato altissimo, e che continuerà a esserlo. Sappiamo che protestate non solo per i vostri singoli casi, ma per tutti coloro che, come voi, fuggono da guerre che le potenze occidentali hanno spesso acuito, o dai crescenti disastri climatici da cui è martoriato il pianeta. Le condizioni in cui avete vissuto in questi giorni sono indegne e umilianti. Feriscono il concetto stesso di asilo e di accoglienza sul quale l’Unione europea pretende di essere edificata. Sappiamo che le vostre richieste sono legittime e incontrovertibili; che chiamano in causa l’Europa e l’idea stessa di civiltà europea. Siamo convinti che l’Europa abbia il dovere di rispondervi.

Oggi, sabato 13 dicembre, avete chiamato in piazza Syntagma greci ed europei, perché si uniscano a voi. Sarò idealmente presente, per sostenere la vostra lotta e le vostre richieste, fianco a fianco con i miei colleghi parlamentari di Syriza.

Vi auguro successo, nella speranza che la vostra battaglia possa aiutare la civiltà europea a mantenersi e sopravvivere. É il momento, per voi e per tutti noi.

Barbara Spinelli, membro italiano del Parlamento europeo (GUE-NGL)


From Barbara Spinelli to the general assembly of Syntagma Square Syrian refugees

Dear friends of Syntagma Square. As Italian Member of the European Parliament, I want to express my most profound and sincere solidarity with the general assembly You – Syrian war refugees: men, women and children, cruelly treated as aliens in our cruel European Union – are going to organise today at Syntagma Square in Athens.

We know you are demonstrating in Syntagma since November 19th. We know that the  price You paid for Your generous demonstration is extremely high, and will continue to be so; that You protest non only in Your name,  but in the name of all those who are escaping either conditions of war which the western powers often exasperate, or growing climate disasters in the planet. The condition in which You live in these days are shameful and humiliating. They hurt the very concept of asylum and human welcome, on which the European Union pretends to be built. We know that your  requests are legitimate and indisputable; that they challenge the idea of European civilisation itself. We are convinced the Europe owes You an answer.

Today, saturday the 13th of December, You called for a general assembly in Syntagma Square, summoning many Greeks and Europeans to participate. I will be ideally present , to support your struggle and Your requests, side by side with my parliamentary colleagues of Syriza. I wish You success, hoping that Your struggle will help European civilisation to maintain itself and survive. This is the right time for You, and for us.

Barbara Spinelli, italian Member of the European Parliament (GUE-NGL)


12 dicembre 14

Decision of the general assembly of Syntagma Square Syrian refugees

We, the Syrian refugees of war who remain at Syntagma Square since November 19 2014, want to communicate to Greek people and the rest of the world the decisions we made today.

a) During our struggle we managed to make clear to the whole world that our demands for human rights as refugees (housing, feeding, job opportunities, health), plus free movement to other European countries are fair and state officials need to fulfill them for all Syrian refugees.

b) We understand that Greek government, does not want to ask from European Union to accept us legally to other European countries in order to apply for asylum there. They do not intend to do it according to European laws, and other European countries do not have the will to proceed towards this direction too.

c) So we decided to demand from the Greek government the following:
1) Asylum as war refugees here in Greece, covering 3 months travel documents to other European countries.
2) Fast procedure of applications: 100 people per day, instead of 10 per day that Greek officials suggest.
3) Proper housing and food for all of our people, starting from small children, invalid people, sick and old people.

d) We will remain at Syntagma Square until we take a positive answer from Greek government to all our demands, and until we are sure that the asylum procedure goes on for all of our people. We ask from Greek Government to answer officially in written replying to our demands.

e) We ask from the Greek people to support our fair struggle until the final victory. We thank for solidarity of all Greek people who helped us a lot from the first day of our struggle.

f) We call everybody to the demonstration that will take place on Saturday 13 November, 2.30 p.m. at Syntagma square.

Syrian refugees of Syntagma square

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