Interrogazione scritta
According to a circular diffused by the Italian Ministry of Interior on 25.09.2014 irregular migrants refusing to be identified commit a crime and police forces should “obtain pictures and fingerprints even with the use of force, if necessary”.
Following the diffusion of these instructions Italian media have circulated photographs of migrants’ bruised and wounded bodies and their declarations to have been beaten, threatened and segregated because of their refusal to comply with this circular.
According to the Commission does the Italian circular comply with the European Charter of Fundamental Rights standards of necessity, proportionality and right to dignity (Art.1)?
Should Italian authorities be reminded that according to
– Art.8 of Directive 2008/115/EC coercive measures must “be used as a last resort”, be proportionate and “not exceed reasonable force”,
– Art.8 of Council Regulation 2725/2000 the collection of fingerprints shall be in accordance with the safeguards laid down in the ECHR and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?
Will the Commission initiate infringement proceedings and in any case invite Italy to urgently modify the circular – or any other systemic violation promoted by the Italian state towards migrants?
Barbara Spinelli, Lista Tsipras, GUE/NGL
Gabriele Zimmer, Die Linke, GUE/NGL
Iosu Juaristi Abaunz, EH Bildu, GUE/NGL
Javier Couso Permuy, Izquierda Unida, GUE/NGL
Sabine Lösing, Die Linke, GUE/NGL
Martina Anderson, Sinn Fein, GUE/NGL
Marina Albiol Guzmán, Izquierda Unida, GUE/NGL
Merja Kyllönen, Vasemmistoliitto, GUE/NGL
Lola Sánchez Caldentey, Podemos, GUE/NGL
Georgios Katrougkalos, Coalition of the Radical Left, GUE/NGL
Helmut Scholz, Die Linke, GUE/NGL
Malin Björk, Vänsterpartiet, GUE/NGL
Lidia Senra Rodríguez, Alternativa galega de esquerda en Europa, GUE/NGL
Teresa Rodriguez-Rubio, Podemos, GUE/NGL
Neoklis Sylikiotis, Progressive Party of Working People – Left – New Forces, GUE/NGL
Patrick Le Hyaric, Front de Gauche, GUE/NGL
Eleonora Forenza, Lista Tsipras-L’Altra Europa, GUE/NGL
Marisa Matias, Bloco de Esquerda, GUE/NGL
Tania González Peñas, Podemos, GUE/NGL
Paloma López Bermejo, Izquierda Unida, GUE/NGL
Pablo Echenique, Podemos, GUE/NGL
Pablo Iglesias, Podemos, GUE/NGL
Fabio De Masi, Die Linke, GUE/NGL
Cornelia Ernst, Die Linke, GUE/NGL
Curzio Maltese, Lista Tsipras-L’Altra Europa, GUE/NGL
Younous Omarjee, L’union pour les Outremer, GUE/NGL
Marie-Christine Vergiat, Front de Gauche, GUE/NGL
Ángela Vallina, Izquierda Unida, GUE/NGL
Anja Hazekamp, Partij voor de Dieren, GUE/NGL
Laura Ferrara, Movimento 5 Stelle, EFDD
Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, Partito Democratico, S&D
Elly Schlein, Partito Democratico, S&D
Cécile Kashetu Kyenge, Partito Democratico, S&D
Elly Schlein, Partito Democratico, S&D
Interrogazione scritta Conformità al diritto dell’Unione e al rispetto dei diritti fondamentali di una circolare italiana e dei suoi allegati sul rilevamento delle impronte digitali dei migranti irregolari, registrata il 27 novembre
Sullo stesso tema:
Circolare del Viminale e maltrattamenti a danno di migranti: richiesta alla Commissione di attivare procedure di infrazione
Depositata interrogazione scritta alla Commissione
Rassegna stampa:
Identificazioni e violenze, richiesto l’avvio di una procedura d’infrazione contro l’Italia
Immigrazione: eurodeputati contro violenze in Italia
Immigrazione: Spinelli (Gue) chiede infrazione contro Italia
Immigrati, alleanza, Pd-M5S-Lista Tsipras per chiedere procedura d’infrazione contro l’Italia
«Violenze ingiustificate sugli stranieri»: 32 parlamentari Ue contro l’Italia
La politica migratoria europea viola los Derechos Humanos